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Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Health, Disease, Miasm & Cure

Health, Disease, Miasm & Cure

According to American National Mental Health Association, the one who poses normal mental health has following features :
1. They feel good about themselves.
2. They do not become overwhelmed by emotions, such as fear, anger, love, jealousy, guilt, or anxiety. They cope up with these sooner.
3. They have lasting and satisfying personal relationships.
4. They feel comfortable with other people.
5. They can laugh at themselves and with others.
6. They have respect for themselves and for others even if there are differences.
7. They are able to accept life’s disappointments.
8. They can meet life’s demands and handle their problems when they arise.
9. They make their own decisions.
10. They shape their environment whenever possible and adjust to it when necessary.
And Normal Physical Health means Proper Physiological Functions of all the Organs, with Normal sensory functions & accurate responses.
However, Diseases means in-coordination in Physiological functions and even resulting in pathological situations.
But, when assumed Individualization, Disease means In-coordination between the trinity of Life i.e., Body (The Physique), Mind (The Psyche) & Soul (The power or Phenomena through which life functions).
This Individual is nothing but the Vital Principal or Vital force. When this particular individuality is in normal condition we feel normal health, bus as soon as it distort we feel uncomfortable. And to maintain the health level our system start showing symptoms, which indeed the crying of internally deranged Individuality, calling for help !
Coming to Miasms, These are the faces of obnoxious forces which sucks weaker individuals.
And one attain Weakness by external stimuli like impacts on Emotions, including fear, joy, piety, persistent thoughts, expressions, disappointments, etc. I’ve quoted lists of normal mental health to maintain. All these invites Miasm to grow inside us.
Now to remove these obnoxious agents and to attain normal health one need artificial similar obnoxious little more powerful dynamic influence or agent, but that of temporary. That can be medicinal derived diseases. We have a boon of Homoeopathy medicines, that poses the above stated capabilities.
In some physicians view we need a Particular anti-miasmatic medicine but if you see a homoeopathic medicine which is similimum, it is the same medicine that works on the miasm as well. If we choose medicines with keen observation we do not need to apply addition things to it, making it easier to attain health, and that speedy as well.